16. MegaGen nemzetközi szimpózium - New York

Dentistry wears Digital; Discover the New Success Criteria

We are excited to welcome you to the 16th MegaGen International Symposium in New York that will take place in New York, USA, between 21 ~ 22 April 2023. Under the main topic “Dentistry wears Digital; Discover the New Success Criteria”, MegaGen International Symposium includes an exhibition area and a dynamic mix of lecture and workshop sessions, as well as an exclusive MGG party.

The event schedule has been designed to capture the diversity of subjects that includes digital implantology, immediate implant placement, Surgical treatment, and prosthetic dentistry.



Esemény beharangozó:

Esemény adatok:


2023.04.21. – 2023.04.22.

(2023 ápr. 20. : Workshop)
2023 ápr. 21. : Symposium első nap
2023 ápr. 22. : Symposium második nap


New York Marriott Marquis

1535 Broadway, New York,
New York, USA, 10036
Tel: +1 212-398-1900